NaNoWriMo 2012, Week 2
Total words: 25,163
I feel like I just had a second week 1.
I’m a third of the way into my outline at best (but probably closer to a quarter). The usual NaNoWriMo compositional narrative runs thus: strong wind through week 1, duldrums in week 2, a slow sail back to the tradewinds in week 3, and a mad rush to the finish in week 4. I’m still riding the strong winds.
Being out-of-sync with my fellow WriMos leaves me feeling a bit odd. Many of my writing buddies are in the week 2 doldrums, struggling to get even 250 words done each day, if that. I’m making 2,000 words a day (when I have the time, that is!), the story still strong in my mind as it leaves through my fingers into the computer.
Things could go south very soon. I might find myself in those same doldrums, the ones that delayed my finishing Those Who Favor Fire for a year and a half, and that killed another novel completely. The real halfway mark will occur close to the end of the month. I’ll feel much more comfortable on the other side of that.