Fall of the House of Stark: Some Thoughts on A Song of Ice and Fire So Far
Image source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:George_R_R_Martin_2011_Shankbone_2.JPG
(This is part 6 of an exploration of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Read prior posts here.)
(Series spoilers ahead!) In my review of Game of Thrones a few months ago, I noted that the series was about the fall of the Stark family, how good intentions can lead to ruin. But in reading the rest of the series, I discovered it’s not about the Starks at all, although members of that family figure prominently in the plot. No, the series is about the need for realistic, sometimes cynical decision-making in a world with no room for error, but the defining moment isn’t when Ned Stark loses his head.
It’s when Robert Baratheon slayed Rhaegar Targaryen.