NaNoWriMo 2018: Final Preparations...

…Are as finished as I can manage.

I have an outline. (There’s a subplot I need to add, but I’ll do that in the next few days, and it won’t interfere with the first couple chapters.)

I have a few strategies for getting the words out. Most days I’ll be at home in the evenings, but for those that I’m not I can either write on my lunch break, or immediately before or after whatever meeting I have scheduled.

I have tea – with caffeine, even! – enough for the next few days, should I need it.

And I will not be starting at midnight tonight. I need to sleep. I still have work and other responsibilities, and continuing to fulfill those along with NaNoWriMo means staying sane and healthy.

All that said, I have medium confidence in my finishing this year. Several things in common the years I’ve won are 1) a high level of enthusiasm in the story, 2) a substantial outline, and 3) no emotional crises midway through. I stall out if I’m not invested, I get mired in the weeds if I don’t plan ahead, and sometimes life just has other priorities. If those are kept in check, I should be good.

Field of Shards, my NaNoWriMo 2018 attempt, is ready. Let’s do this.