NaNoWriMo 2022 (aka Project Sagittarius): Day 30

Total word count: 7543

Despite two Thanksgiving dinners, sinusitis, a busier-than-usual work schedule, and other various personal issues, I reached the goal I set a few days in: 250 words a day, 7,500 words by the end of the month.

Here’s a breakdown of each day:

Google Sheets is useful for something, you know.

I also have managed to “crank the engine” of the story, so to speak, so that there’s enough power to keep chugging along. And I intend to do just that.

For the next few months, I’ll do my best to maintain my 250 words/day pace. Again, if I keep it up, I’ll have a complete rough draft by October of 2023. It’s been forever since I’ve finished a novel draft, and just the thought of it makes me feel things I haven’t in years.

I’ll bask in this glow for a bit. Going forward, I’ll post an update once a month on the project. I’ll also need a title – not the one I intend to submit under, just for social media purposes.

For this one, I’ll call it Sagittarius. Just ‘cause.